THE HEALING PROPERTIES OF HOMEOPATHIC DESERT LOCUST The scientific name and remedy name is Schistocerca Gregaria. Locusts are classified as insects. This is not a
THE HEALING PROPERTIES OF HOMEOPATHIC DESERT LOCUST The scientific name and remedy name is Schistocerca Gregaria. Locusts are classified as insects. This is not a
YOU CAN FIND HOMEOPATHY AT HEALSCOTLAND Over a year ago I decided to join Heal Scotland which is a charity based, you guessed it, in
DISCOVER HOW DES-BIO LYMPH DRAINAGE CAN HELP DRAIN YOUR LYMPHATIC SYSTEM First of all: why would you want to drain your lymphatic system and what
HOW HOMEOPATHIC SEROTONIN CAN HELP YOUR HEALTH First of all: what is serotonin and why is it important? Serotonin, also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), is
Discover how to maintain healthy eyes with homeopathy This year has been the “year of the eyes” for me. At the start of the year,
Homeopathy for interstitial cystitis and UTI issues We are all familiar with botix for cosmetic purposes: freezing the face to avoid age lines and have
Homeopathy is a safe and effective treatment for depression I recently came across an article that illustrated a study conducted in 2011. This study compared
DISCOVER WHICH REMEDIES CAN HELP POST-SURGERY FOR A SPEEDIER RECOVERY My husband has recently been through hernia surgery. It was open surgery, not key-hole surgery,
Find out the benefits of using Resona Vibe! As a homeopath, I believe that future of medicine lies in vibrations and frequencies. After all, homeopathy
A STUDY SHOWS FLOWER ESSENCES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN DRUGS FOR STRESS-RELATED SYMPTOMS Did you know that flower essence therapy has been part of the national
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR WHOOPING COUGH I just had a personal experience with whooping cough: four weeks ago, I started to have coughing fits, with lots
PARASITE CLEANSE EXPLAINED Disclaimer: this article is for information only. Always consult your primary care therapist before starting any new therapy. How do I know
GEMSTONE REMEDY DAY 11: TANZANITE This is a day with karma 12, which gives a 3. The numbers 1 and 2 represent the sun followed
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY 10: MOONSTONE This is a day with karma 2, from the numerological point of view: 10+12+2023=29=11=2. We are back to the moon
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY 9: RED JASPER Today’s number, according to numerology, is 10, which becomes 1: the number related to the Sun. The sun is
ADVENT CALENDAR DAY 8: BLACK OPAL Did you know that NASA scientists believe there are lots of opals on the surface of Mars? You can
GEMSTONE REMEDIES DAY 7: BLACK OBSIDIAN Black obsidian is a natural old-world stone that humans have been utilizing since the dawn of time and it
GEMSTONE REMEDIES COURSE PROGRAM Who is this course for? Anyone with a passion for natural gemstones and a curious and open mind. You may be
GEMSTONE REMEDIES ADVENT CALENDAR DAY 6: AQUAMARINE Today’s date is a number 7, which is the number linked to Neptune. In astrology, this is the
DAY 4: EMERALD This day is a Karma 5 (4+12+2023), which, in numerology, corresponds to the planet Mercury. This is the planet of communication, of
DAY 5: ROSE QUARTZ in numerology, the numbers for December 5th 2023 add up to number 6, the number related to Venus. This is a
DAY 3: MOLDAVITE The 3rd of December gives us the number 4. In numerology, this is the number of Uranus. The theme of this number
GEMSTONE REMEDIES ADVENT CALENDAR DAY 1: PEARL WHAT IS NUMEROLOGY? Numerology is one of the most ancient disciplines and it encompasses all cultures. Thousands of
COULD THIS NEW NOSODE BE A POLYCREST AND WHY IS IT EFFECTIVE? A few months ago, this new remedy came into my consciousness through an
NEW LIVE COURSE ON GEMSTONE REMEDIES AND ASTROLOGY In Ayurvedic medicine crystals have been used for thousands of years. This knowledge always went hand in
Homeopathy can work really well with natural beauty products, here is how If you love homeopathy, chances are that you have or are looking for,
This new strep remedy seems to have amazing potential in clinical practice I want to share some info about this new remedy. This remedy was
THE POWERFUL HEALING PROPERTIES OF HOMEOPATHIC TANZANITE WHAT IS TANZANITE? Tanzanite is a blue zoisite, only found in one small area of Tanzania (hence the
HOW HOMEOPATHY CAN DETOX MOLD SAFELY AND EFFECTIVELY As homeopath, I specialise in treating children with autism and ADHD. For those who are not familiar
RESULTS OF MOLDAVITE GROUP PROVING Group proving of eight provers over one week period. Method: water immersion and or potentised remedy up to 10M The
FIND OUT WHAT UNDA REMEDIES CAN DO FOR YOU! WHAT ARE UNDA REMEDIES? First of all, they are homeopathic remedies, in X (tenth) potencies and
HOMEOPATHIC FRANKINCENSE Frankincense is from the genus Boswellia and sourced from the resin of the Boswellia carterii, Boswellia frereana or Boswellia serrata trees that’s commonly grown in
HOMEOPATHIC BLACK OBSIDIAN Black obsidian is a natural old-world stone that humans have been utilizing since the dawn of time. Obsidian is from volcanic origin,
HOMEOPATHIC JET Jet belongs to the group Lignite and is fossilized charcoal. It is usually quite soft, measuring between 2 and 2.5 on the Mohs
HOMEOPATHIC BLACK OPAL The Source: Australian black opals are the most valuable and widely known type of opal. Black opal is characterised by a dark
THE POWER OF DIAMONDS IN HOMEOPATHY The source: Diamonds are the most valuable and precious gemstones. They are the ones that tick all the boxes
HOMEOPATHIC SAPPHIRE The Source: This stone is much harder than quartz and amethyst and that’s one of the reasons why it much more sought after
HOMEOPATHIC HIMALAYAN CRYSTAL SALT Salt is essential for life — you cannot live without it. Table salt has a bad rep, because of the link
DISCOVER THE WONDERS OF HOMEOPATHIC MOLDAVITE Moldavite is a tektite, which is a glass that forms from the force and heat of a meteorite hitting
The Source: Ruby is a corundum made up with aluminium oxide that can vary in colour from pink to deep red. Because of its colour
HOMEOPATHIC GREEN JADE The homeopathic remedy is made from green jade, which is particularly valued, as quite rare. The name “jade” is a more recent
CLEAR QUARTZ REMEDY IN HOMEOPATHY The Source: Rock quartz is composed of pure silicon dioxide, just like Silica. The Ancient Greek called it Krystallos, which
PEARL REMEDY IN HOMEOPATHY The Source: Technically, pearls are not minerals and are not found under ground. On the other hand, they are made out
THE HEALING PROPERTIES OF HOMEOPATHIC MOONSTONE Moonstone is composed of Orthoclase and Albite and belongs to the family of silicates. Rainbow Moonstone is a name
SHUNGITE REMEDY-THE CLEARING REMEDY Shungite is an ancient rock formation that is believed to be two billion years old. The name comes from a Russian
GEMSTONES ADVENT CALENDAR-EMERALD The Source: Emerald is the green variety of Beryl and the colour is due to the presence of chromium. Its formation is
GEMSTONE REMEDY LAPIS LAZULI-THE MOTHER REMEDY The Source: Lapiz Lazuli has a long history of use as a protective stone. This deep blue stone is
GEMSTONE ADVENT CALENDAR: MORION The Source: The other name for this gemstone is Smoky Quartz. For the longest time, this gemstone was simply considered “tainted
HOMEOPATHIC ROSE QUARTZ -THE LOVE REMEDY The source: Rose Quartz is composed of silica with an exquisite pink colour. The pink colouring comes from traces
AQUAMARINE The source Aquamarine is a type of beryl and its pale blue colour that reminds us of clear sea water (hence the name) is
GEMSTONES ADVENT CALENDAR-DAY 1: AMETHYST I would start the Gemstone Advent Calendar with Amethyst because of its colour: we are in advent month, the weeks
At the end of October 2022, I conducted a group proving of Green Aventurine. The group had four participants. Each prover had a natural citrine
CITRINE QUARTZ GROUP PROVING OCTOBER 2022 The set up The group had four participants. Each prover had a natural citrine quartz and was instructed to
HOW HOMEOPATHY HELPS TO DETOX GENTLY AND EFFECTIVELY “Detox” is a word that we all hear quite a lot these days. The idea is to
One of the questions I get asked most often is: “What kind of results can I expect for autism with homeopathy?” If you are the
HOMEOPATHY IS SO MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE AND SAFER THAN PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS! Even before learning about homeopathy and the wonderful things it does, I never understood
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR HEART CONDITIONS The terms “heart disease” can cover a wide variety of conditions. It is important to work with a medical doctor
HOMEOPATHY FOR CASES OF BEREAVEMENT AFTER SUICIDE According to NHS Scotland, where I live, suicide is a big issue. This is why I was happy
HOMEOPATHY FOR CHILDREN WITH AUTISM Holidays can be a wonderful time and a chance to make memories for your children, however, they often come with
HOW HOMEOPATHY CAN EMPOWER YOU One of the positive result of recent global events, is a renewed desire to come together. After being forced to
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES TO HELP YOU SLEEP Insomnia is a huge issue in our society and, consequently, there is a huge industry dedicated to helping people
TIME FOR SCHOOL EXAMS! CAN HOMEOPATHY HELP? Summer is time for school holidays but for many students, this is when exams are taking place, transition
What is SIBO? Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth is an abnormal increase in the overall bacterial population in the small intestine — particularly types of bacteria
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR SUNBURN AND SUNSTROKE Let me tell you something: the sun and I are not exactly best buddies. I know that the sun
Heart attacks are scary, no question about it. Recently my husband had a heart attack, caused by blood clot. Disclaimer: this is not medical advice,
IS ADHD DIFFERENT IN GIRLS COMPARE TO BOYS? Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is a neuro-developmental disorder that begins in childhood, but frequently persists into
HOW HOMEOPATHY CAN HELP IN CASES OF LYME DISEASE WHAT IS LYME DISEASE? The name is from a town in Connecticut called Lyme, which is
USEFUL REMEDIES TO HELP WITH SYMPTOMS OF SEASONAL ALLERGIES Hay fever and other seasonal allergies are very common and can be mild or really annoying
CROCUS SATIVUS AND ITS PROPERTIES This is a beautiful yet under-used remedy. We are all familiar with saffron, as in, the spice. Italy has a
FIND THE RIGHT HOMEOPATHIC REMEDY THAT CAN HELP WITH ACUTE STOMACH ISSUES Stomach bugs are annoying because they usually come up suddenly, seemingly out of
BABY COLICS Colic means cramping pains that babies sometimes have, as their gut and digestion system develops. Before considering any intervention with homeopathic remedies or
What is Homeopathy? Homeopathy is a 250-year-old system of medicine that is safe, gentle and very effective. It is based on the principle that ‘Like
NEW RESEARCH SUGGESTS EMOTIONAL BALANCE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR TOOTHBRUSH Homeopathy can help with dental health and I have articles on this website that
THE HOMEOPATHIC REMEDY LUNA There is a family of homeopthic remedies called “imponderables”: they are not mineral, plant or animal or anything that is really
Homeopathic Chamomilla and its properties Chamomilla is the homeopathic version of the popular chamomile flower. We all know the relaxing properties of chamomile tea, for
HOMEOPATHY FOR COMPLEX PTSD PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and, as you all know, can be caused by a single, relatively short lived
HOMEOPATHY AND NUTRITION FOR EYE FLOATERS: A POWERFUL COMBINATION! First things first: what are eye floaters? They are those annoying black or grey spots that
CAN HOMEOPATHY HELP WITH CHRONIC PANCREATITIS? Pancreatitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the pancreas. The symptoms are very much like the symptoms of other
MTHFR GENE MUTATION AND HOMEOPATHY Many of you reading this will already know what the MTHFR gene mutation is and the possible consequences for your
CAN HOMEOPATHY HELP WITH CHRONIC PAIN? We all know there are some chronic conditions for which there is yet to be a cure. One of
YOU CAN REDUCE AND EVEN ELIMINATE THE DOSAGE OF ANTI-PSYCHOTIC DRUGS WITH HOMEOPATHY Anti-psychotic drugs are usually prescribed for conditions like schizofrenia, bipolar disorder, autism
HOW DOES HOMEOPATHY HELP WITH PUBERTY ISSUES Let’s not beat about the bush here: teenage boys can be gross. I have a younger brother and
WHY ARE SO MANY AUTISTIC CHILDREN PICKY WITH FOOD? HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN DO Is your child only eating three or four things? Always
NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOR BLISSFUL SLEEP! Sleep is BIG issue for parents of children on the autistic spectrum or ADHD. If you are reading this, I
CAN YOU POTTY TRAIN YOUR CHILD WITH AUTISM? YES, YOU CAN! One of the questions I get asked often by parents of autistic children is
Can you treat autism? Yes you can! Perhaps your child has just been diagnosed with autism: now what? The pediatricians will tell you about speech
DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS IN YOUR MEDICATION? It doesn’t happen very often, however, every now and then one patient will ask where their prescribed
CAN HOMEOPATHY HELP WITH TINNITUS? First of all: what is tinnitus? It is the name for hearing noises that are not caused by sounds coming
CAN GLYPHOSATE AFFECT YOUR HEALTH AND WHAT CAN HOMEOPATHY DO ABOUT IT? I have been seeing patients with “weird” auto-immune conditions lately. When I say
TWO COMMON MISTAKES PARENTS MAKE (AND HOW TO AVOID THEM!) As mother of an eleven year old child with (recovering) and homeopath, I have been
How homeopathy addresses the issue of gut dysbiosis and why you don’t need to force your child to change diet Many childre with autism present
WHY SUPPLEMENTS AND BIOMEDICAL PROTOCOL DON’T ALWAYS WORK For most parents of children on the autistic spectrum homeopathy is the last throw of the dice.
Homeopathy for autism, what evidence is there? This article is for education purposes only, it is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
ARE ELIMINATION DIETS REALLY NECESSARY? Disclaimer: this article is for information purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. In
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, can homeopathy help? Disclaimer: this article is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
CAN YOU REVERSE DIABETES 2, YES YOU CAN! Disclaimer: this article is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any
THE THYROID-DIABESITY CONNECTION Disclaimer: this article is for education purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. In my practice
GEMSTONE REMEDIES-TWO CASES: Gemstones have been used for millennia in ancient medicine like Ayurveda and every culture has a special place for these wonderful gifts
HOMEOPATHIC BLACK OPAL Gemstones are a bit of a passion of mine, like homeopathy and so, when I found out I could combine the two,
HOMEOPATHY FOR SKIN ISSUES Disclaimer: this article is for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. There are
Disclaimer: this article is for education purposes only, it is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. HOMEOPATHY AND CORONA VIRUS Almost exactly
For someone who has never been to a homeopath before, it can feel like a daunting prospect. Yet more and more people are attracted to
Disclaimer: the following article is for education purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. HOMEOPATHY FOR IBS Irritable Bowel
HOMEOPATHY FOR GERD This article is for eduational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
SAY: AHHH! HOMEOPATHY FOR DENTAL HEALTH Disclaimer: this article is for information only, it is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Can
HOMEOPATHY FOR ECZEMA Disclaimer: this article is for education purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Eczema is such
COULD YOU HAVE DIABESITY? Disclaimer: this article is for information purposes only and it is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Diabetes
HOMEOPATHY FOR POTS “So I don’t want to jinx anything or speak too soon but the last couple weeks even over a few what’s normally
Disclaimer: this article is for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose of treat any medical condition. A CASE OF ASTHMA How much
HOMEOPATHY FOR PARKINSON’S DISEASE Disclaimer: this article is for information purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. At the
BANISH SUGAR CRAVINGS WITH HOMEOPATHY! We have all been through it: stress, anxiety, Monday blues…sugar seems to be calling us in these cases! Women seem
DETOX WITH HOMEOPATHY Detox is a big buzz word these days. We are all more aware of what goes on in our bodies and that
Disclaimer: this article is for information purposes only and it is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Homeopathy can really make a
ANGER ISSUES AND THE PANDEMIC We are not out of the woods yet and there is literally no end in sight. Uncertainty at all levels:
HOMEOPATHY AND HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE This article is for information purposes only; it is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Hign blood
HOMEOPATHY FOR PREGNANCY I know it’s a cliche’, but I do believe that pregnancy is a blessed state. I certainly loved being pregnant both times
HOMEOPATHY AND WEIGHT GAIN This article is for information purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any condition. Are you a woman
DETOX! DETOX! We are all so surrounded by dangerous stuff all the time, particularly people living in cities: smog, cigarette smoke, paint fumes, road works…and
Disclaimer: this article is for information purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any condition. Please contact your doctor before taking any
HOMEOPATHY FOR CHILDREN WITH BEHAVIOURAL PRIBLEMS Sometimes I get messages from mothers along the lines of:”Help! My child is totally unbearable lately, what can I
ENLARGED TONSILS, CAN HOMEOPATHY HELP? Enlarged tonsils and adenoids are quite a common issue in young children. In general, they are glands that we don’t
HOMEOPATHY FOR DIABETES 1 (Disclaimer: this article is for education purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. If you
DIABETES AND HOMEOPATHY Disclaimer: this article is for education purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat diabetes. Please consult your doctor before
HOMEOPATHY FOR INSECT BITES Summer is the season when insects are more annoying, as we go out more and wear lighter clothes. Hotter countries are
GEMSTONES IN HOMEOPATHY Like many people, I have always been attracted by sparkling and colourful objects and growing up with a mother who was practically
We are all more or less exposed to electromagnetic radiation; what between our mobile phones and wifi more or less permanently on, but also in
HOMEOPATHY FOR THYROID ISSUES What is the thyroid and what does it do? The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland in the neck, just in
As some countries start to open again, still with caution, most places are still in quarantine and have been for months now, with no clear
HOMEOPATHY FOR INSOMNIA According to the NHS one third of the British population suffers from chronic sleeping problems. The same is probably true of the
HOMEOPATHY FOR ASTHMA What is asthma? Asthma is an inflammatory condition in which your airways narrow and swell and produce extra mucus. This can make
…So we have been in this mess for weeks now and the cracks are starting to show. “Let’s go back to Nature!“ At first it
What is fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes extreme fatigue and pain all over the body. Many patients describe it as having a
WHY WE NEED HOMEOPATHY MORE THAN EVER If there is one thing that the current Corona Virus situation has shown us (or at least, me)
LET’S TALK ABOUT SEASONAL ALLERGIES! April is one of those times when allergies and colds and flu symptoms can get confused, because they kind of
5G is currently being rolled out in various countries around the world. Mobile phone companies are already advertising it and it sounds like the best
HOMEOPATHY FOR RESPIRATORY ISSUES There are many homeopathic remedies for coughs and flu and the way to pick the correct remedy is to go through
Schools are going to shut down after tomorrow here in UK and very quickly every social/business activity is being either stopped or severely limited. From
I am sure you are all getting really sick of hearing about this novel corona virus. I know I am and the real pandemic is
Oh, the joys of being a homeopath! This morning I received an email from a journalist doing a piece on homeopaths offering help with Corona
HOMEOPATHIC MILK REMEDIES As mammals, mother milk is the first food we receive. Even babies who are given formula exclusively, still benefit from the bonding
HOMEOPATHY AND LACK OF IODINE I recently came across a book called “Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It“ by Dr.
HOMEOPATHY FOR PARKINSON’S DISEASE Hi everybody! Today I want to share with you how homeopathy can help with symptoms of PD. My story My name
I love doing workshops! I always learn something from the people who come to my workshops and even if I have done sessions on the
As far as I am concerned, the only evidence everybody needs to know that homeopathy works is the positive results on my patients! However, during
I loved this movie when I was little! I was thinking about a recent case I took here in Glasgow: chronic bronchitis in a young
Then let me show you my must-have remedies and how they can help you take care of you and your family the holistic and natural
Let’s talk about this over a nice cup of coffee, shall we? One of the questions I get asked by new patients is whether homeopathic
This is a strange question, coming from a qualified homeopath! Of course I know it works: after seeing the results on myself and my family,
Like with autism, this is a personal issue for me. Parkinson’s disease has been in my family for a long time: my mother, my maternal
Here we go again! It is the end of January and colds, flu and coughs are all over the place! My warrior-mums are adamant they
Corona viruses are nothing new. They were first identified in the 1960’s and they are so called because of their “crown” shape (“corona” is Latin
HOMEOPATHY FOR COLITIS Colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine, caused by virus or bacteria, among other things. Symptoms include: -severe abdominal cramps-loss of
I have posted about this subject before, but this is my latest case and it’s a beautiful one. I put a picture of a beautiful
NOBLE GASES IN HOMEOPATHY Like all noble gases, Hydrogen is an under-prescribed remedy that can be very useful in cases of ADHD or autism. It
CAN HOMEOPATHY HELP WITH BEDWETTING IN CHILDREN? Someone was asking for advise on this, so here it goes! Bedwetting can be hard on the child
HOMEOPATHY FOR MENOPAUSE Yes, I am at that time in my life too! Right now I am in perimenopause, which is the gradual winding down
You all probably know the story of Chicken Little, who was absolutely convinced that “the sky is falling” and was very alarmed about it! Well,
Spider remedies are often mentioned in homeopathic texts for the treatment of ADHD in children, however, I have not seen many cases needing them and,
I have recently realised that this issue is more common than we think. Getting rid of them can be a long process and I strongly
HOMEOPATHY FOR ADHD October has been a super busy month for me, which is great! This month I started to monitor the number of ADHD
I have had a few cases of OCD, usually children. Recently, however, I was contacted by a lady in her early sixties who had had
Have you ever heard of an app called Welltory App? No, me neither, until today! One of my patients today started the session with:”I’ve got
Tracheal stenosis is a narrowing of the trachea that causes breathing problems. It can develop when scar tissue forms in a person’s trachea due to
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR COUGH It’s sooo hard to find the right remedy for acute cases of coughs! Hope this list helps! Bryonia This remedy relieves
Even when you have figured out the correct remedy out of the thousands available, you know what the little numbers and letters mean (6x, 6c,
One of the reasons why I love to treat skin conditions is that the results are there for all to see! The mother of this
This beautiful flower was already well known to the Greeks and Romans for its detoxing and cleansing properties. As we all know, used homeopathically, the
5G ADHD alternative medicine; asthma; autism autism;
autoimmune black opal; boys candida; chemical exposure corona virus corona virus; depression detox diabesity
diet eczema; flu; gemstone remedies; gemstones; glasgow
glyphosate gut-brain connection hashimoto;
holistic homeopathy homeopathy;
hypothyroidism; IBS immune system leaky gut lockdown multiple chemical sensitivities nutrition potty training puberty skin issues; sleep supplements