Homeopathy Heals

Homeopathy Heal


For someone who has never been to a homeopath before, it can feel like a daunting prospect. Yet more and more people are attracted to a more natural, “alternative” form of medicine, therefore, here are a few FAQ’s to help you see what you can expect from homeopathy in practical terms:

1-How do I book a consultation? How do I pay?

via the website e-mail or via facebook. It is important to specify your timezone, so I can check my diary for availability. The consultation is online via FB video call, Skype or Zoom, your choice! Payment is via Paypal.

2-I am not sure if homeopathy is for me, I have some specific questions to ask.

No problem! You can ask for a free 15 minute Discovery Session to ask more questions about the treatment, payment, packages or anything else.

3-How long is the consultation and what kind of questions do you ask?

The first consultation is usually about one hour. The reason why it is so long is that you need enough time to explain your symptoms and how you feel about them and then I need some more info about your lifestyle, habits, fears and interests, in order to have as complete a picture as possible. Remember: homeopathy helps the individual, not the disease!

4-Do I get the prescription immediately?

No, it takes a few hours for me to analyse the case and prescribe.

5-Where do I get my remedies from?

If you are outside the UK, it is more convenient for you to source them locally and I can point you to the right online stores, if you don’t have anything locally. If you are in the UK, I will send you the remedies at no extra cost. Homeopathic remedies have the same names and are made in the same way all around the world.

6-How many follow ups do I need? How often?

This depends on your progress and the seriousness of your condition. The important thing is that you can count on my support throughout the treatment in between sessions. I am always available on messanger for any questions/issues or even acute symptoms and that is included in your consultation fee.

7-Do I have to take remedies for the rest of my life?

NO! The whole goal of homeopathy is to bring you back to balance, so that you DON’T need anything at all by the end of the treatment!

8-Is homeopathy only for minor complaints or emotional matters?

Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine. Because it is holistic, it treats the whole person, not the condition. We don’t treat diseases; we treat people who happen to have a disease, whatever it is.

9-Is homeopathy cost-effective?

If you can put a price on your health and wellbeing, I would say YES. In fact, homeopathy is the most cost-effective form of medicine in the world. The remedies cost a fraction of what pharmaceutical drugs cost. It also saves a lot of time, more often than not: you don’t need to go from specialist to specialist: homeopathy treats the whole person. Modern medicine divides people in separate compartments!

I hope this helps!



Table of Contents


5G ADHD alternative medicine; asthma; autism autism; autoimmune black opal; boys candida; chemical exposure corona virus corona virus; depression detox diabesity diabesity; diabetes 

diabetes; diet eczema; flu; gemstone remedies; gemstones; glasgow glyphosate gut-brain connection hashimoto; holistic homeopathy homeopathy; 

hypothyroidism; IBS immune system leaky gut lockdown multiple chemical sensitivities nutrition potty training puberty skin issues; sleep supplements thyroid; tinnitus

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