Disclaimer: this article is for education purposes only, it is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition.


Almost exactly a year ago I started to notice an increase in flu cases in my practice, with paricularly heavy symptoms. Most patients would comment that they had never had “such bad flu” before.

Nobody knew it at the time, but that was probably the beginning of the CV, which started to enter our consciousness a couple of months later.

Since then I have helped quite a few patients with that and then it finally got to myself and my family recently, so I have decided to write another article to offer my personal persepctive not just as homeopath, but as someone who also recovered from the virus.

Everyone is different, so this is just my experience. At the end of this article, I also want to offer the latest results in terms of general homeopathic treatment and remedy suggestions.

My case was pretty straightforward:

-sudden onset of high fever

-bone and muscle pain all over the body, particularly the back


My fever was very hot, I felt super chilly, no perspiration, so Belladonna helped me initially. I also took Rhus Tox for the really bad back pain I had, sensation like my back was cut in two pieces! I wish I had had Eupatorum Perfoliatum handy, because that was more appropriate to bone pain, but Rhus Tox was close enough.

After that, I took Rhus Tox and Bryonia alternated, in water, every 15 minutes. The fever was still there, but I could function: read, write, even take cases online.

At some point I started to feel like my chest was “tighter” and I would run out of breath going up and down the stairs in my house. Arsenicum and more Bryonia helped with that.

After one week of this, I lost my sense of smell and taste completely. The fever had gone, I took Phosphoric Acid, one dose, to get rid of the sense of fatigue. Phosphorus gave me back the sense of taste and smell, but I took one dose of 1M potency, which was too strong and gave me a slight aggravation (the fever came back for a few hours). I didn’t have a lower potency at hand.

So that’s that! Done and dusted! My 13 year old daughter had an even less remarkable experience with it: she came down with a high fever and chills (Gelsenium and Belladonna) one afternoon, but she woke up right as rain the following day and that was the end of that! She tested positive, so we know it was the CV and I went down with it the day after her.

The general advise I would give is this:

symptoms change all the time very quickly, therefore it is important to notice the changes and follow with the appropriate remedies.

Other than that, here is an updated list of remedies that have been useful so far in the treatment of the virus:

Robin Murphy, ND and world famous homeopath, has done quite an extensive study on this and these are the remedies he recommends for respiratory complications:

Antomonium Arsenicosum: Lung, disorders. Emphysema with excessive dyspnea and cough

Shallow breathing. Dyspnea, worse on eating and lying down

Loss of appetite. General sick feeling

Anxiety about health, Fear of death, Restlessness

Tickling, dry cough. Coughs are worse by eating and on lying down

Antomonium Tartaricum: Rattling Mucus, Great dyspnea and fits of suffocation.

Oppressive breathing must to sit up. Snoring and difficult breathing

Pneumonia with extreme prostration, bedridden with exhaustion.

Lungs are congested. Rattling of mucus, Thick white mucus.

Camphora: Sudden sinking of strength, pulse small and weak, Limbs cold with cramps.

Icy coldness of the whole body, sudden sinking of strength, pulse small and weak.

Wants covers off and then on alternately with internal burning heat and anxiousness,

Extreme prostration, bedridden with exhaustion. Low blood pressure, Low body temperature

Carbo Vegetalis: Craves fresh air, and wants to be fanned all the time. Panting and Gasping for air.

Icy coldness of the whole body, sudden sinking of strength, pulse small and weak

Apathetic, Anxious, Delirium, Distressed, Listless, Coma, Prostration, Unresponsive.

Cough worse in evening, going from a warm to cold place, in bed. Great weakness on exertion.

Extreme prostration, bedridden with exhaustion. Low blood pressure, Low body temperature

China Officinalis: Dehydration, Dizziness, Fainting. Weakness. Blood, loss. Anemia.

Worse from sweat or diarrhea. Better from hard pressure, warmth. Better from loosening the clothes.

Intermittent fever, chills, Influenza

Feels worse after mental exertion, emotional upset or loss of vital fluids

Sensitive to the cold wind and drafts

Diarrhea. Bloated abdomen, flatulence, colic. Edema

Food tastes bitter. Belches a lot which tastes bitter.

Fatigue after the virus, or “long covid”

Many people report a sense of fatigue that lasts long after the other symptoms have gone. This can happen after the common flu and it is called CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Many cases of ME I have seen started right after a particularly bad bout of flu.

There are a few remedies that help with this:

Phosphoric Acid, Sulphur or China.

China has nausea as well, the difference with the other two remedies depends on the individual’s symtpoms.

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