Like many people, I have always been attracted by sparkling and colourful objects and growing up with a mother who was practically obsessed with jewllery, I learned a lot about the different precious stones and their mineral proterties.

Who knew this knowledge would come in handy one day while studying homeopathy?

How do you even make a remedy out of a hard stone like, say, emerald or diamond? The answer is: by water immersion.

Gemstone remedies are relatively new in homeopathy and therefore under used. Yet, they have been incredibly useful in my practice so far, especially in difficult chronic cases where serious emotional trauma was involved.

The keynote of all gemstones is a deep spiritual or religious component. Therefore the patients I have had who benefited from gemstones were all more attuned with the spiritual realm than average people: empaths, people practicing meditation and other spiritual practices, priests, people with clairvoyant abilities.

I think it’s time to discover these beutiful gems for their healing qualities, as well as admiring them for their beauty and rarity.

This is why I have organized a study course on gemstones.

The course includes:

-Unit 1: introduction to gemstones in homeopathy

-Unit 2: Rose Quartz and its uses

-Unit 3: Amethyst and its uses

-Unit 4: Emerald and its uses

-Unit 5: Ruby and its uses

-Unit 6: Diamond and its uses

-Unit 7: Lapislazuli and its uses

-Unit 8: Clear Quartz and its uses

-Unit 9: Shungite and its uses

-Unit 10: Black Opal and its uses

-Unit 11: Golden Topaz and its uses

-Unit 12 Pearl and its uses

-Unit 13 Sapphire and its uses

If you are already a student of homeopathy, this course can open your practice to new remedies and expand your range.

The cost of the whole course is £100 or $150: you will receive nine separate units in Word document.

If you wish to have online one-to-one tuition as well as the text, the cost is £200or $250.

Here is a sample of what you will get:


From the beginning of time, gemstones have been appreciated, coveted, desired. Yet, they have no practical purpose and it was only in recent times that stones like diamonds, rubies and pearls have been employed in industry for purposes other than their beauty.

Gemstones figure in all religious rituals and rituals of power. Therefore religion and power are some of the big themes in gemstone remedies.


In homeopathy, most remedies are made from plants, animal or mineral sources. Of course there are sarcodes and nosodes and the so called impoderable, but let’s keep things simple for now.

Plant patients” typically talk about feelings. Supposed your patient has had a burglary and many items were stolen from the house. This patient will talk about how he/she feels about the event. How this is affecting him/her emotionally, the sentimental value of the object stolen and so on.

The “mineral patient” would make a list of the stolen goods, will talk about the mess the house was in, everything was out of place. He/she feels like the “rug has been pulled from under my feet”, they talk about “support” or lack of support.

The “animal patient” will talk in terms of survival and attack: how he/she could have been killed or perhaps would have killed the burglar if he/she could. He/she would talk about “invasion of space”, someone intruding into “my territory”, my den and so on.


Belgian homeopath Anne Vervacke says that you can recognise a gem remedy patient because they have the qualities of two kingodms: they are both vegetable and mineral or both mineral and animal, they are a combination.  This would be the first clue.


When we think about key themes for any remedy, we need to go back to the source and see what its main qualities are.

Transformation: gems are basically rocks that go through a long process that involves great pressure, from the earth. Time and physical pressure transform ordinary minerals in crystallised rocks, the process gives them the hardness, the durability and the sparkle.

trapped vs freedom: we need to dig to get to these gems, don’t we? And even once we find them they are still “rough”, covered in dirt and other rocks and we need to break through the rocks to set them free.

violence, abuse: the places where the most precious gems are found are also some of the most violent places in the world and the process of extracting gems often leads to violence, due to greed and abuse of human labour.

darkness vs light; gems live in darkness, but once they are freed and out in the open, they attract and reflect the light like no other mineral.  In human terms this remind us of the concepts of light vs darkness, good vs evil, which is why all religions employ precious stones in their symbolism.

Contact me for more details!

For more info on course, click here.


On Key

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