As homeopath, I specialise in treating children with autism and ADHD. For those who are not familiar with these conditions, one of the main issues is the inability to detox from various environmental insults: heavy metals, parasites and mold. Therefore, cleansing the system is a big part of healing and homeopathy can play a big role.

Alongside homeopathy, I also utilize my expertise in nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine, to offer a treatment that is as complete as possible.


Mold toxicity is not always obvious. If the wall in your bedroom is covered in black spots or you see mold all around the window frame, that is pretty obvious. More often, however, people start experiencing symptoms and wonder what they can be; the challenge is given by the fact that symptoms of mold toxicity can look like a lot of other conditions that have nothing to do with mold:

  • Skin rash
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Allergies
  • Nausea
  • Depression
  • Neuralgia, numbness in fingers and toes
  • Dizziness
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle pain
  • Asthma
  • Chronic cough

As you can see, all the above symptoms can be attributed to hormonal imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, allergies and doctors don’t always think about mold.


I must admit that in the past, I thought that areas particularly damp or humid would be more susceptible to mold: areas like Florida or any place close to rivers or underground canals. Old buildings, old wooden furniture…

However, now I realise that mold is really everywhere, how can it be?

Part of the answer is, I believe, the more widespread use of AC, where mold can form around vents, for example. The way homes are build has also changed over time and I don’t think it’s necessarily for the better: I am not sure modern building materials are better than what our grandparents had.

Sometimes it is possible to detect mold simply by looking at damp spots on surfaces or we can smell the typical musty smell in a room. However, if the mold is behind or inside walls, it will be harder to detect and even elude mold tests.

This is what the National Health Service website for the UK says about mold:

Causes of damp and mould

Mould and damp are caused by excess moisture. Moisture in buildings can be caused by leaking pipes, rising damp in basements or ground floors, or rain seeping in because of damage to the roof or around window frames.

A newly built home may be damp if the water used when building it is still drying out – for example, in the plaster on the walls. Excess moisture indoors can also be caused by condensation.

If you have mould or damp it’s important to find out why you have excess moisture in your home. When you know what’s causing the damp, you can make sure your home is repaired or take steps to limit the moisture in the air. You may need to get a professional to remove mould for you, but if it’s only a small amount you may be able to remove it yourself.


Stachybotrys is otherwise known as black mold and is one of the more harmful toxic mold species. Black mold is usually found inside a house.

Aspergillus are gray or green flecks and appear on wooden surfaces. Aspergillus, with 20 species in total, is dangerous, because it will often cause allergies, leading to serious asthmatic reactions, hay fever or lung infections. Every Aspergillus species produces mycotoxins, which are a health hazard, especially for those individuals with compromised immune systems.

There are many species of Penicillum – some beneficial and some harmful. Some species of Penicillum are used when producing cheese and medicine. Similar to other molds, Penicillium causes allergies, and it’s especially troublesome for people that already have a weak immune system.

Alternaria is one of the most prevalent toxic molds and includes many species.Asthma and hay fever are among the conditions one might suffer or suffer worse from when he or she has inhaled Alternaria spores.

Geotrichum is white in color and usually appears powdery. It is known to spread pretty fast and is often associated with adverse health conditions such as tuberculosis and pulmonary infections.

Geotrichum breeds in moist conditions and temperate climate. Its spores can easily spread via air to new environments. It is an allergen that causes itchy eyes, fatigue, and sometimes chronic headaches.

Trichoderma is also white in color with green patches. It is an allergic type of mold that mostly thrive in moist areas. The mold has five different subspecies, most of which are non-pathogenic. However, some of the subspecies have been associated with liver and pulmonary infections. Trichoderma contains a lethal enzyme, which can destroy such building materials as wood, textiles and paper products. This may lead to the crumbling of buildings when the materials rot.

Chaetomium is also allergic and is often found in a drywall that has previously been damaged by water. Its spores have been linked to autoimmune diseases, neurological damage and allergic reactions such as difficulty in breathing and red watery eyes. It has a musty odor and flourishes in wet, dark environments such as under carpets, drywall, baseboards, and wallpapers. Chaetomium is often mistaken for the black mold as they have the same characteristics and exists in similar environments.

As it begins to grow, bipolaris is whitish or grayish brown in color, but gradually turns to dark olive as it ages. It looks soft and fluffy and usually grows outdoors on grasses and soil. It also thrives in water damaged materials such as carpets, hardwood floors, and houseplants.

Ulocladium is black in color and often found in wet areas and homes that have suffered water damage. This type of mold commonly grows in bathrooms, basements, and kitchens. Ulocladium has two subspecies both of which are highly allergic. It is linked to severe allergic reactions such as hay fever and sometimes skin infections. Prolonged exposure to its spores causes difficulty in breathing and asthma-like symptoms.


It is possible to get tests done to see if mycotoxins are present in the system. Some of my patients come to me with their test results that show the amount and the type of mycotoxin present. Other times, I use the Zyto bioscan to see if and which toxins can be an issue. It is important to note that mycotoxins can stay in the system even months after moving from a place affected by mold.


For those who are not familiar with homeopathy, the main principle is that it is a holistic form of medicine that treats the individual, not the condition.

Consequently, those affected by mold toxicity, will be treated individually, according to their individual symptoms.

Does it mean there is no protocol?

Not as such. A homeopath observes the symptoms in their totality and prescribes accordingly.

That said, there are some common denominators in cases of mould toxicity, regardless of the symptoms. The first commonality is the susceptibility to mould.

I often find that in a family living in a mouldy home, not everyone will develop symptoms. Why is that?

That is because the immune system in some cases, is already weakened or compromised for various reasons. Children who have been prescribed various courses of antibiotics, with frequent ear infections, for example, will be more susceptible to mould as well.

In an individual with a healthy and strong immune system, it will take an awful lot of mould or a very prolonged exposure to mycotoxins, to be affected. On the other hand, someone with a weakened immune system, will start experiencing symptoms at the first signs of mould.

Therefore, homeopathy needs to be used to both strengthen and cleanse the immune system.


As we all know, when we talk about immune system, we talk about our gut health. Typically, when dealing with mould toxicity, there will be digestion issues, constipation or diarrhea, food intolerances.

It is tempting to start taking supplements like probiotics, hoping they will help. The truth is that often that doesn’t help, not because the probiotics do not work, but because it is not the right time to take them.


An old holistic doctor got frustrated with me when I started to look for treatments for my son, who has autism. I was complaining to him that all the supplements I was giving him: cod liver oil, probiotics, vitamins, did not seem to do anything. What he said to me was:”You need to take junk out before you can give him supplements!”

In other words: while your system is still clogged up with toxins, no amount of probiotics will “stick” and will be washed away with urine.

This means you need to get rid of the junk first and this is where homeopathy can help.


Silica and Thuja: these are two classic remedies that deal with gently and effectively cleansing the system from whatever does not belong or is harmful to our body.

Silica is a homeopathic remedy made from silicon dioxide, the stuff sand is made of. Our body needs traces amounts of silica to keep our bones, teeth, hair and fingernails healthy. In homeopathic form, it is a great remedy to cleanse and strengthen the immune system from antibiotics, fungal infections, heavy metals and more. I use it especially when the main symptoms are frequent ear and upper respiratory infections, coughs, poor appetite.

Thuja is made from a plant called “the tree of life” and it is also a great cleanser, especially with symptoms linked to poor digestion.

Tanzanite: this is a brand new remedy, proved and created by myself and currently only available from the UK. This is a chance discovery: during the group proving, one of the provers noted that her symptoms of long exposure to mould almost disappeared. This is only one case and therefore more research is needed, however, it is exciting and I thought I would mention it.

Support action: while the body is getting rid of toxins, it is necessary to support this action with high doses of vitamin C and toxin binders like activated charcoal or bentonite clay.

Other homeopathic remedies:

Homeopathy is also known for the principle of “like cures like”: which means that if a toxic substance is affecting you, the homeopathic version of that same substance, will be able to heal you.

Therefore, whenever I have clear test results that show one particular type of mould affecting a patient, I will prescribe the homeopathic version of that particular type of mould.

I had a case of a small girl with behavioural and cognitive symptoms: very poor memory, no focus, hyperactivity. The mother was aware that their previous home had mould and so had her child tested for mycotoxins; the result showed clear high level of Aspergillus Niger, which is quite a common type of black mould and that is what I prescribed for six weeks and it was enough to resolve the little girl symptoms!

There are also remedies that contain a mix of the most common types of mould, that can be prescribed; however, unless I am sure of the type of mould causing the issues, I will prescribe other remedies first, according to the totality of the symptoms.

Bach flower remedies: often underestimated, yet these remedies are very easy to dose and take, with no danger of proving or aggravations. Crab Apple is a major remedy to detox from any harmful toxins, for example.


Treating the effects of mould exposure, is not enough to effectuate real healing. This is why homeopathy will look at the individual’s constitution as well as the symptoms. What does that mean?

You may have noticed how in your own household, while you have all been exposed to the same mould toxicity for the same amount of time, some members of you family will be affected more than others and some not at all.

This is what I mean by the “terrain theory”: you can plant a seed of whatever you want, however, that seed will only grow and thrive in the right type of soil. It is the same with viruses, bacteria and toxic exposure.

If someone is affected by everything and anything, this is something the homeopath will look at. If mould is an issue, it is not unusual to find that many other things are an issue: dust, pollen, gluten and so on.

In such cases, the homeopath will consider this susceptibility and use homeopathic remedies to strengthen the immune system: remedies like Tuberculinum or Carcinosin can be used, according to the individual’s characteristics.


The following remedies can be used to “take the edge off” the symptoms of sneezing, watery/itchy eyes, cough and runny nose:

  • Histaminum
  • Allium cepa
  • Euphrasia
  • Arsenicum Album


Bacteria and fungi (mould) thrive on sugar and carbs, therefore, the first intervention has to be the elimination of these items from the diet.

Food allergies are an issue when it comes to mould, therefore it is useful to get a comprehensive allergy test done, to see what foods you should avoid.

It is worth noting that, depending of how much information your test result shows, you need to learn about primary and cross-allergies.

If you are told that you are allergic to pollen, you will also be allergic to apples and other stone fruit for example.

If you are allergic to grass, you will also have to avoid peanuts, potatoes, soya, kiwi, tomatoes, melon, cereals, peppermint, even if you do not experience an allergic reaction when eating these foods.

Once you have the information you need about what is causing allergic reactions, you can start to eliminate what is not good for you, but remember that: gluten, carbs, sugar and dairy must go in any case.

This is what I call the Remove, Repair, Rebuild treatment.

In the Remove stage, you take out the allergens and what feeds the mould in your system.

At the same time, you can start to Repair your immune system with other foods that can help you (unless you are allergic to them):

  • Raw garlic
  • Bone broth
  • Green juices: cucumber, kale, celery, ginger and lemon to alkalise your body
  • Oregano oil
  • Bentonite clay
  • Vitamin C

Depending on your individual situation, one month or more can be enough to re-set your immune system. However, remember that for more deep-seated symptoms, it can take up to one year of treatment and that’s when I would strongly advise you work with a professional.


Remember I was talking about timing? Once you have done this detox, you can start to introduce probiotics and other supplements, which, this time, will stick and help rebuild the good flora in your gut.


Getting rid of mould means first of all, getting rid of it from your home, your walls and surfaces. There are many ways of doing this, I recommend the most natural ones, because you don’t want to inhale bleach fumes or other toxic chemical and add to the toxic load!

I recently came across this company that makes incredible cleaning products: https://namiorganic.com/en/home-en/

This company is based in Italy but ship worldwide and the amazing thing about their products is that they are made with live bacteria that literally eats up mould.

Other holistic cleaning products are: lemon juice, vinegar and baking soda.


At this point, you can use the information on this webinar to make your own way out of mould toxicity.

If, however, you want to work with me, you have the option to join my Mould Detox Support Group  or work with me on a one-on-one basis.


This is a three-month protocol that includes: detox diet, homeopathy and lifestyle advise. You can join weekly support Zoom calls to bring your questions and share your progress and advise with the rest of the group.

The first weekly group meeting started on July 22nd  and it is now full. The next round of sessions will start on October 22nd at 2pm EST and will meet weekly. Sessions are recorded and you can email your questions in advance, if you cannot attend.

The cost of the whole program is $47, to book: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=22305516&appointmentType=49456810

Once you book, you will receive a detailed detox plan for the next three months.

To work with me: https://homeopathyheal.co.uk/book-now/ my Family Treatment Package covers the whole family with unlimited sessions for 12 months.


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