Have you ever heard of an app called Welltory App?
No, me neither, until today!
One of my patients today started the session with:”I’ve got something really exciting to tell you!”
She is a personal trainer and uses this app to track her stress levels
and the Heart Rate Variability. Very “high-techy” stuff that goes right
over my head, but the point is that you can measure exactly how stressed
out you are and what you can do about it with this app!
My patient
was suffering from panic attacks and anxiety. At one point she decided
to measure her stress level with the app and the result was quite
alarming: red flags everywhere!
She then took her remedy and
re-tested herself after less than one hour: her score was way up, green
light, clear bill of health!
She was really excited, because,
although she had been successfully using homeopathy for a while, this
was scientific proof that the remedy was acting on a physical level!