At the end of October 2022, I conducted a group proving of Green Aventurine.
The group had four participants. Each prover had a natural citrine quartz and was instructed to make an elixir in the following way:
- Immerse the stone in distilled water in a glass container with a lid
- Expose the container to the sun and moon light for 24 hours
- Make the elixir with 50-50 ratio of water and alcohol
At this point the elixir is not potentised. The provers were instructed to take as many doses of the elixir as they were guided to do.
Individual meditation with the gemstone was also encouraged.
The first thing that everyone agreed upon was how unpleasant the proving experience was this time around.
One prover felt quite relaxed, she felt moved and attracted to the colour pink, which was unusual for her.
The other provers felt very depleted and despondent.
For the full report, purchase the Pdf from the Gemstone Remedies page.