First of all: why would you want to drain your lymphatic system and what is it anyway?

The lymphatic system is a large network of tissues, vessels and organs that work together to move a colourless, watery fluid called lymph back into your bloodstream.

We all have lymph nodes all over our body; think of them as “check points” along the motorway system of arteries and blood vessels.

These “check points” are an essential part of our immune system.

These are some of the things our lymphatic system is responsible for:

  1. it is responsible for removing toxins and waste throughout our bodies. 
  2. it improves circulation by draining lymph that has leaked from the blood vessels into the tissues and emptying it back into the bloodstream via the lymph nodes.
  3. it supports the immune system to produce white cells called Lymphocytes which form antibodies and help defend the body from viruses and bacteria.
  4. it keeps our body’s fluid in balance to prevent oedema, which can occur after surgery,  with a diet high in salt, with prolonged sitting or standing and during pregnancy.
  5. it absorbs dietary fats and fat soluble vitamins from our intestine and transport it to the bloodstream for energy or to store.

What happens when our lymphatic system is not working optimally?

If your body is overwhelmed with toxins of any kind and the lymphatic system cannot keep up, you get the equivalent of a “traffic jam”: things are not flowing and the toxins are sloshing around in your system.

You may be experiencing fatigue, swelling in various parts of the body, your immunes system is down, so you catch bugs and viruses more easily or you tend to recover form illnesses more slowly.

Detox or no detox?

If you are thinking of doing a detox, that’s a good idea-provided you have some guidance. Ideally, you are working with a homeopath to monitor the progress of your detox and guide you on how to pace yourself.

The main challenge with doing a detox is understanding that the more toxins you have in your body, the more chances of die-off reactions. Therefore, it is important to go slow and gentle.

This is where the lymphatic system comes in.

If you plan to remove toxins from your bodies, they need a clear pathway to be flushed out of your system, right? The lymphatic system allows toxins to flow out of your system, therefore, it needs to be clear of blockages and debris. This is the idea behind “lymphatic drainage” or “clearing your pipes”.

DesBio Lymph Drainage Drops

There are various methods out there for lymphatic drainage: brushing, massage and so on.

What about homeopathy? Yes! I find the best, most effective and easiest way is to take these drops daily for a number of weeks, as directed by your homeopath. The ingredients are all homeopathic remedies in X potency, designed to work in synergy and help clear the detoxing pathways in your body.

Once you have done that, the detox protocol will be much easier. My patients report feeling lighter, more energetic and stronger after a round of Lymph Drainage.

It finally solves the problem of how to detox without too much discomfort.


DesBio Lymph Drainage
On Key

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