Schools are going to shut down after tomorrow here in UK and very quickly every social/business activity is being either stopped or severely limited.
From my personal point of view, this means that my children and my husband will be at home all the time for an indefinite period of time and with my son on the spectrum, this could be an extra challenge.

But, wait, what if this is an opportunity in disguise?

As there is nothing we can do to stop the government shutting everything down, I have decided to face the situation head on and even make the most of it! In order to succeed, however, we need to be prepared and organized!

1-Home-schooling. I have never tried it, never thought I could. Yet, I have been thinking for a long time that, especially for kids like my son, school is more like a “parking place” with added socialization. Not much learning going on in my view. So here is my opportunity to try and teach my own son some basic stuff, spend more time with him and have some fun together! There are plenty of free resources online and i am already looking at some.

2-Do something different. During this time I can do stuff I had been postoponing for the longest time: read books, do more meditation, curate my website, read more homeopathic material, take the time to cook more healthy food.

3-Cherish the time together. I like my “alone-time” when kids and husband are at school, so spending time together 24/7 is not that appealing, unless we are on holiday. However, it is also time to realise how blessed I am and this virus has reminded me that I should perhaps be more grateful and cherish what I have.

4-Map out a routine. All of the above can easily go to pot if time is not planned out properly. It’s all too easy to start having late nights and lying ins and accomplish nothing. Children need routine and so do adults. This is another challenge for me, I guess, as I am not that disciplined, but, again, it will be another good skill to learn!

5-Practice gratitude. In challenging times, you realise how blessed you are. Yes, there are bumps in the road; no, I don’t know how my children are going to react to this situation, particularly my son with autism. However, we are here, we are healthy and we have each other. I will make a list of all the things I am grateful for and I will keep a journal of this extra-ordinary time.

6-Have fun! Yes, I am planning to have fun! you can still put some happy music on and dance around in your pajamas, work in the garden with the weather is nice, watch funny movies! Positive thoughts raise your vibrations and that does wonders for your immune system!


On Key

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