Stomach bugs are annoying because they usually come up suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere and more often than not, just when we are on holiday or are busy doing other things…
The good news is that you can treat stomach bugs quickly and effectively with common homeopathic remedies, depending on the symptoms:
ARSENICUM ALBUM: for stomach pain, burning, cramping. diarrhoea or nausea can be present too. Better for warm drinks, worse for cold in general. Anxiety about feeling unwell. Tiredness. No appetite.
NUX VOMICA: nausea is more prominent; headache can be present too. Irritable mood. Worse for rich food.
VERATRUM ALBUM: Profuse diarrhea and weakness, cold skin. Use Veratrum where there is violent diarrhea and purging with pain preceding any diarrhea. Check for cold sweating.
CAMPHOR: Severe diarrhea with prostration, exhaustion and collapse. Signs of weakness are prominent where Camphor is needed and where collapse is evident. The skin feels and is icy cold to the touch, the whole body. Tongue cold and flabby, trembling.
CHINA: weakness with nausea and/or diarrhoea that come in waves. Low grade fever can be present too, with fatigue. China is the classic remedy for malaria, which has the symptoms of the common stomach bug (albeit more extreme).
CARBO VEGETALIS: all the common symptoms of stomach upset but with a lot of gas, whether eruptation or flatus. Extreme weakness and cold to the touch. Feeling of a weight on the stomach that doesn’t go anywhere.
I hope this is useful. If you need more help with choosing the right remedy, you can contact me and press the BOOK NOW button.