Eyes health and Homeopathy

Discover how to maintain healthy eyes with homeopathy

This year has been the “year of the eyes” for me. At the start of the year, I suddenly realised what I thought were dirty glass lenses were, in fact, cataracts and had to have surgery to remove them.

There are homeopathic remedies that are supposed to help with cataracts; however, given that this is a progressive condition, I believe in wasting no time and go for surgery. There is a time and place for different modalities when it comes to health and I don’t see that as a bad thing.

The surgery was successful and my eye sight was also corrected during the same procedure, which made a huge difference for me: I had been wearing glasses or contacts since childhood, being very short-sighted.

Fast forward a few months and one morning I wake up with massive eye floaters in my right eye and notice some “flashes” at the corner of my eye here and there. This can be a sign of the retina getting detached, which can lead to loss of vision in the affected eye and might need urgent surgery. Therefore, I called my optician and got an appointment to get my eyes checked out.

Long story short: the retina in my right eye showed signs of tear, which, left untreated, would result in the retina detaching completely and needing surgery. As it was, I only needed a laser procedure, that literally pins the retina back down and, like a darning needle, patches up the area around the tear.

I wanted to share this personal experience in case it might help others in the same boat, so here are a few pieces of advice:

Get your eyes checked regularly

If you have already hit 50 or have been wearing contacts or glasses, it is important to check the health of your eyes regularly. I don’t mean just your eye sight: there are machines that can check your eye pressure, retina and detect early signs of glaucoma or cataract or more.

Homeopathic remedies for eye health

We all spend way too much time in front of screens or some sort, that emanate blue light, which can strain our eyes. Apart from recommending blue light blocking glasses, you can reach for Ruta 30c when you feel your eyes are strained or get the typical eye-strain headache.

Keep your eyes hydrated

Everything seems to dry up in the body with age! Women after menopause can experience dryness of the eyes, which can feel uncomfortable. Euphrasia eye drops is what I use to keep my eyes hydrated.

Remedies for post-eye surgery

The main remedy to keep on hand right after eye surgery is Aconite, which is the “arnica of the eyes”. That alone will prevent swelling and bruising, after surgery, as well as pain, once the anesthetic wears off. Hepar Sulph helps to prevent infection after surgery.

When to contact your doctor:

Eye floaters are very common after the age of 50. They are usually dots or squiggles at the periphery of the eye and are not dangerous. What happens is that, with ageing, the retina stretches out and gets thinner at the edges.

If you experience a “curtain” over your field of vision, flash lights or very big floaters blocking your vision, it might be a sign of a tear in your retina or that your retina is detaching. This requires immediate attention and surgery, in some cases, in order to save your vision.

Homeopathy can support eye treatment and reduce the need for painkillers and antibiotics or steroids, however, it is not a substitute for surgery, when that is needed.


picture of an eye
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