We are all more or less exposed to electromagnetic radiation; what between our mobile phones and wifi more or less permanently on, but also in many cities around the world it is becoming more and more impossible to get away from this invisible radiation.

We want to be connected at all times, but at what cost?

I have reported the opinions of some scientists on the dangers of EMF in another blog, together with some advise on how to defend ouselves from it. Recently, however, I have become aware of a natural stone called Shungite and I want to share with you what I have learnt.

What is Shungite?

Shungite is an ancient rock formation that is believed to be two billion years old. The name comes from a Russian village called Shunga, where it was discovered. Local people have known and used this stone for centuries: primarily as water purifier, but it was also believed to have special healing properties.

The stone is made for 98% of carbon and for this reason is also known as “noble shungite”, because of its purity. Shungite can alter water by purifying and energizing it plus enriching it with minerals. The water it filters contains natural antioxidants that neutralize free radicals, which makes it beneficial to our cells and tissues, along with our immune function.

Another well known function of Shungite is the protection fron EMF radiation. in 1996 scientists Robert Curl and Richard Smalley discovered fullerenes, a special carbon-based molecular formation – which turned out to be a major component of Shungite – for which they won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

Russian scientists confirm that, in addition to being a natural antioxidant, it can improve immune system function. It also actively interacts with various electromagnetic fields (anthropogenic high-frequency, solar, geopathogenic, biofields) and neutralizes their negative impact.

Russian scientific research also shows that because of Shungite’s unique structure, it grabs onto many different things including chemicals, volatile organic compounds, drugs, chlorine, fluoride, and radioactive particles. It also kills a wide variety of bacteria, viruses, phages and other pathogens.

The Czar Peter The Great of Russia was well aware of the healing properties of Shungite, information on shungite healing properties goes back to more than three centuries.

In 1714, Peter the Great founded a copper-smelting industry in Shunga. There is a legend that tells how one employee, suffering from a serious disease, discovered a spring of water and, after drinking from it, regained his full health in three days. These rumors came to the ears of Czar Peter, who gave the order to carry out investigations.Water that sprang from shungite deposits proved to be a powerful instrument for healing from anemia, hydropsy, liver disease and many other diseases.
Peter, whose health was not strong, tried the water and gave the order to build a spa close to the source. It became the first medical institution in Russia’s history and was called “Martsialniye Vody “- in honour of the god of war, since Peter’s sick and wounded soldiers got effective treatment there.

Peter the Great told all his soldiers to carry a piece of shungite in their backpacks. By placing a shungite piece in water-filled vessels soldiers got fresh and clean water. There are many historical records which indicate that the Emperor issued special orders (ukazs) with such prescriptions.

So how do we use Shungite?

The easiest way to protect ourselves from EMF using this stone is to either wear it (medallion, bracelet and so on) on the skin or place a block or Shungite close to our laptop when we are working.

Is there a homeopathic Shungite remedy?


In his New Materia Medica Vol 3 (Minerva Books, 2018), Colin Griffith writes:

“This remedy brings to the surface what lies buried or unresolved from other times. Such hidden matters may be uncomfortable for the patient to deal with; s/he may have been unwilling to look into them for a long time but has now arrived at a point where clearing of such energies is vital for either practical or karmic reasons. Shungite is helpful in clearing toxicity:

  • fluoride poisoning –  < confusion, sleep problems, difficulty orientating, enervation, depression, throat and mucous membrane symptoms
  • aluminium and other heavy metals – weakness, heaviness, nerve conduction problems, paralysis, stiffening and rigidity, chronic fatigue, constipation etc.
  • fungus (as in candida) – weakness and enervation, digestive tract conditions such as diarrhoea and constipation, poor immunity, confusion, depression, slowness, lack of motivation, poor skin, hair and nail condition etc.
  • radiation (either ionising or microwave) – weakness, tiredness, confusion, inability to think consecutively, heaviness, lack of motivation, depression, low immunity, restlessness and poor sleep, skin reactions etc.
  • vaccination poisoning – increased susceptibility to acute diseases that cause chronic results, eczema, asthma, bowel conditions, paralysis, allergies, hypersensitivity, autistic tendencies, etc.

Shungite rebalances the endocrine system especially when that is in some way dysfunctional after any of the above causes. An early warning sign of this is when the body clock no longer remains regular; there is a change to sleep and appetite patterns; the bowels and bladder may no longer function as regularly or they react too frequently.

The thymus, thyroid, pituitary and pineal glands are all positively affected by the remedy. Shungite can be included in any prescribing for the damaging effects of vaccines. When the liver is overburdened with toxicity, the brain becomes sluggish and the mind is dulled. There is irritability and lack of motivation. Parasites may also be present: < the gut. The remedy helps us to deal with toxicity that is hidden; that is not apparent even through typical symptoms; it is a major remedy for the removal of radiation toxicity. One of the signs for us to look for is a lack of awareness in the patient; a lack that is unexpected and exemplified by one who sees and hears but does not pay attention. It is said that Shungite can ‘switch on a light’. There are addictions, not perhaps to the usual things such as drugs or alcohol (though this might be) but to the wrong sort of food stuffs: foods that create obesity or acidity; food that slows one down or beverages that hype one up for a short while. High blood pressure. Influenza.  Productive mucous membranes during cough that follows influenza. Necessary dental work may bring up buried issues that have lain unresolved for too long and that carry painful memories. “

You can find more information on how to defend yourself and your family from EMF on this link


On Key

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