PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and, as you all know, can be caused by a single, relatively short lived but very intense traumatic event. The typical picture is of the veteran soldier who witnessed terrible actions and suffers from night terrors and insomnia; anyone who was the victim of violence of any kind.

Complex PTSD is a condition that was first recognised in 1994 and it is caused by a low-impact stress that has been sustained for a very long time, typically during the first 15 years of life: emotional neglect, bullying, humiliation to give some examples.


Even in adulthood, circumstances can change dramatically: living with a physically or emotionally abusive spouse for a number of years can leave deep emotional scars, even a long time after getting a divorce.

Looking after a long term sick loved one is another cause of complex PTSD: even though there is no violence or abuse involved, the stress, constant worry and physical effort can take their toll.

Parents of children with severe autism or other disabilities can also fall into this category.


-You feel like nothing is safe and everything you have or are could be taken away from you at any time (your social status, reputation, job, everyone is “out to get you”, your kids are going to be taken away from you and so on). Gastric issues can accompany this feeling and get worse every time we are more stressed out than usual.

-You cannot relax: your body is stiff, you try to do yoga and meditation, but have no patience for it. You find yourself not being able to sit down for the whole duration of a movie or to read a book.

-You cannot sleep, have night terrors or sleep uneasy and wake up unrefreshed

-Self loathing: you are not worthy of other people’s love, trust, you feel you are “not good enough” no matter what you do

-Anger issues: this can be expressed or unexpressed but underneath it all is fear and anger is a way to mask the fear, to look fierce and strong, when we are at our weakest point

-Paranoia: we expect the worst from others; we cannot trust anyone

-You desire solitude: sometimes you feel the solution would be to live on an island and rely on no-one, be accountable to no-one, have no-one judging you

-You find life unbearable: while not full blown suicidal, you just wish you were not there anymore in order to be free from pain

-You are dependent on routine, become OCD: cleaning obsession is very common. Routines make you feel “safe” and anything that disrupts the routine throws you off.

-You become a workaholic, to compensate for your lack of self worth. Perhaps if you earn a lot of money, become successful in your profession and everybody thinks you “have it together” that will heal you. This is an illusion and the first thing that goes slightly wrong, you crumble.


Those are ten points. If you recognise yourself in 4-5, you might want to think about address this issue.

The first step to get better is to recognise there is a problem. Too often we are prone to stuff the emotional dust under the carpet of distractions: work, friends, drugs, addiction.

Once you know that you need help, homeopathy can help. Working with a homeopath is a journey of self discovery, where the homeopath is your guide. Simply taking a pellet on your own, without self awareness, will not be enough. The homeopath is your guide and unprejudiced witness to your becoming yourself. In my practice, I have used remedies like Ignatia, Natrum Muriaticum and Rose Quartz to help patients process past emotional wounds, with amazing results.

Do you want to learn more? Why not book your free 20 minute Breakthrough Session with me now!


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