Who is this course for?
Anyone with a passion for natural gemstones and a curious and open mind. You may be a homeopath, a student, a crystal healer or someone who wants to explore something new.
This is a weekly, online course. The sessions are live and recorded for your convenience. It is also a hands-on course: there will be theory, philosophy and meditations but you will also be able to prove and make your own remedy from scratch.
The total duration of the course is 14 weeks, starting on January 27th at 9pm, UK time.
Video recordings and written notes will be provided.
Remedies for proving and natural crystal dust for trituration will be provided.
You will need: a small pestle and mortar made of unglazed ceramic; food grade lactose powder. These items are easily found online and are not expensive.
WEEK1: Introduction-Gemstone Remedies keynotes and themes; preparation; principles of homeopathy.
WEEK2: Precious Stones vs Semi Precious; Adamas
WEEK3: Homeopathic Ruby
WEEK4: Homeopathic Sapphire
WEEK5: Homeopathic Emerald
WEEK6: The Quartzes: Homeopathic Citrine Quartz
WEEK7: Homeopathic Amethyst
WEEK8: Homeopathic Rose Quartz
WEEK9: Homeopathic Tanzanite (remedy will be provided)
WEEK10: Homeopathic Aventurine
WEEK11: Homeopathic Moldavite
WEEK12: Homeopathic Red Jasper (remedy will be provided)
WEEK13: Homeopathic Shungite
WEEK14: The Alchemic Process of Trituration, what it is, how to make your own remedy