Recently I became aware of a condition that presents mainly as intolerance to eating meat and dairy products, which cause skin rash or various degrees of severity, among other symptoms.

This is not an ordinary food allergy or intolerance and it almost always affects adults, with no previous history of food intolerances or, at least, not for meat and dairy.

As a medical condition, it was first recognised and diagnosed in 2004, it is prevalent in the East of the US, however, cases are now being reported in UK and the rest of Europe and the numbers are rising.

Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is an allergic condition in which people are allergic to alpha-gal, a sugar found in the tissues of all mammals except humans and other primates. It is also known as mammalian meat allergy, alpha-gal allergy, red meat allergy, and tick bite meat allergy.

When people who are allergic to alpha-gal eat beef, pork, lamb, or meat from other mammals and dairy products, they have an allergic reaction that causes a range of symptoms, including a rash, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Symptoms usually occur three to six hours after eating. In some cases, people may have an immediate life-threatening anaphylactic reaction that requires medical attention.


AGS is primarily caused by the lone star tick, a tick species that inhabits the eastern, southeastern, and south-central states. The lone star tick can transmit alpha-gal to people through its saliva, which can trigger the immune system to produce antibodies against alpha-gal, causing AGS. A blood test is done to confirm the diagnosis.


Antihistamines, and oral corticosteroids. Elimination of all meat and dairy from the diet. It is worth noting that animal products are used for the manufacturing of many types of medication, therefore, severe cases of AGS cannot tolerate some types of medication.


As this is a relatively new condition, there are not many recorded cases as of today. That said, homeopathy is not about treating the condition, rather the individual with all his/her symptoms.

One of the main symptoms is skin rash, which can be very itchy and burning. The skin may or may not appear discolored or present visible eruptions. Remedies like Apis, Urtica Urens can bring relief to the skin symptoms.


Personally, I suggest a general detox, using homeopathics and nutraceuticals, in order to strengthen the immune system and support liver and kidneys. It is a staggered approach that involves remedy combos, called Omnicleanse Detox Program

After the detox, rebuilding the system with anti-inflammatory supplements like risveratrol, curcumin and quercetin, also helps bring the system to normalcy.

It is my opinion that current symptoms and conditions are getting more and more complex and systemic and homeopathy needs to rise to the challenge, as often the single remedy approach is not enough.